Various artists curated by Cornelia Parker
'Found' exhibition

Patina has worked for the Foundling Museum since our company was formed, providing installation services for exhibitions and displays as well as advice on display and storage when required.

The Museum’s collection explores the history of the Foundling Hospital, which was established in 1739 by the philanthropist Thomas Coram to care for children at risk of abandonment. Interestingly, the UK’s first public art gallery was established here as a result of William Hogarth encouraging artists of the day to donate work which helped raise money for the charity. 

For this exhibition the artist Cornelia Parker invited contributions from over 60 different artists responding to the theme ‘Found’. This was inspired by small tokens from the 18th century that were sometimes left by parents as a means of identification in the hope that they might one day be in a position to reclaim their child.

During this exhibition we worked alongside Cornelia Parker and other artists including Bill Woodrow and Tracey Emin to ensure that the artworks were installed according to their wishes.

With thanks to:

Alison Duke, Collections Manager, the Foundling Museum.

Cornelia Parker, who curated the exhibition.

Painting Sculpture Paper and Photography Textiles  installation exhibitions services  installation 


Various artists curated by Cornelia Parker


'Found' exhibition


Foundling Museum

